This complements Syd Walker's detailed rebuttal of Hamilton's appeal to the TV < - > Internet analogy. Personally, I think Hamilton's use of the TV < - > Internet analogy is great because of the absurd conclusions it leads to.
A blog to help inspire organized resistance to the ALP's ill-advised, counter-productive and potentially totalitarian plan to impose mandatory ISP-based filtering on all residential internet feeds by default. This is *not* about the filth they are trying to block. This is about the Orwellian mechanism they are building to do it.
This complements Syd Walker's detailed rebuttal of Hamilton's appeal to the TV < - > Internet analogy. Personally, I think Hamilton's use of the TV < - > Internet analogy is great because of the absurd conclusions it leads to.
Highly (though not universally) recommended as a serious attempt to understand the role of pornography in contemporary Australian society, one which debunks much of the moral panic surrounding the subject.
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